Every weekend, we prepare 2 or 3 dishes focusingon fish and seafood,
in addition to healthiness and, not least, simplicity.

A complete restaurant meal

– straight to your kitchen – right at home.

Every weekend, we prepare two or three dishes focusing on seafood. The food is easy to prepare, flavorful, and carefully crafted by our chefs.

We have also curated a carefully selected drink recommendation that you will receive via email.

See the Fiks Ferdig Fisk menu (in Norwegian)

Ready in 20 minutes

Fiks Ferdig Fisk is the meal kit for those who want the best the sea has to offer.

All you have to do to shine in the kitchen is to follow the chefs’ instructions.

All ingredients are almost ready, so within 20 minutes, you’ll have a full restaurant meal at home in your own kitchen, which is healthy, flavorful, and easy to make.

You decide the number of people and whether you want two or three courses.

Fiks Ferdig Fisk is produced by us at the Seafood market at Fisketorget in Stavanger. We work hard to ensure that each meal kit provides our customers and their guests with a pleasant meal and great kitchen experiences.

Order your meal kit in the form below, and just ask us if you have any questions!

This week’s menu

Fiks Ferdig Fisk

Meny 6.– 7. september

Makrellstørje fra Ålesund
tomatbuljong, syltet knutekål fra Brimse, saltede grønne jordbær
inneholder: fisk, egg, sulfitt, sennep, bløtdyr

Pannestekt lange
grillet kål, brokkolini, rotfruktkrem, hvitvinsbasert soppsaus
inneholder: fisk, gluten, soya, melk

Norske bringebær
tindvedmousse, syltede aprikoser, salte mandler
inneholder: egg, mandler, melk, sulfitt

2 retter: 439.- pr pers
2 retter + dessert: 549.- pr pers

Nettbestilling stenger hver torsdag kl 09:00.
Din Fiks Ferdig Fisk kan hentes i sjømatutsalget hos Fisketorget Stavanger fredager kl. 12–17 eller lørdager kl 10–15.

Here’s how:


Plan a gathering with good friends, colleagues, or family. Order a two- or three-course Fiks Ferdig Fisk meal kit from the Fish Counter.

Remember: this should primarily be fun and inspiring!


Pick up the meal kit at the Fish Counter at Fisketorget on Friday or Saturday. Purchase wine or other drinks.

Wine recommendations and cooking instructions are included with each meal kit. 


All the ingredients are almost ready, so within 20 minutes, you’ll have a full restaurant meal at home in your own kitchen.

You can follow the chef’s instructions to the letter, or improvise according to your taste and mood.


Serve, sit down, relax, and enjoy. Pour yourself a glass of wine and smile, while your dinner guests are impressed by your culinary skills.

Healthy, flavorful, and simple.

Healthy, tasty, and simple.

Catering for every occation.
Order from Matboden Rogaland.

We have a close collaboration with Matboden Rogaland
which supplies catering for all occasions.
Read more at matboden.no